People and families of Chalfont St Giles


The people of a place make it what it is, and was, and it is knowing who those people were and something about their lives that interests many.

Visitors to a site like this one are often searching for their ancestors, especially of course if they know there is a link to Chalfont St Giles.

The information here does not pretend to include all the inhabitants of the parish. It concentrates on the people or families who have appeared when looking at specific places in the parish. The information given is seldom full histories but gives key information about their involvement with the village.

In the list below some entries are for families and some are just for individuals. The list is alphabetic by surname.

REFERENCES. Unless otherwise specified, all references given above refer to catalogue references at the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies at Aylesbury. (County Record Office)

This print is a section of the Chalfont History website.

Please come back soon.

John Dodd ©2015