This site focuses on the history of specific aspects of
Chalfont St Giles in Buckinghamshire: the village, the parish and
its people. It also gives you a guide and links to other sources
for general history of the parish. What you will find here is
information about aspects of the history of the parish where no
obvious answers are available from the published books or
This is a revised version with much additional material but it
remains a work in progress so I apologise in advance for errors
and omissions.
Please note some material is now provided in the form of PDF
files and people with old browsers may need PDF viewing
I do not claim to have all the answers so if you have more or better information I would welcome your input and comments.
Latest Articles:
Memories of Chalfont St Giles in the 1920s
This is the first part of the interesting and readable memories of Val Pye, who was born in 1919 and is still alive.
A history of Hill House its owners and occupiers and its lands.
The discovered history of Hill House in Bowstridge Lane.
A history of Church Farm and its lands.
The story of the farm which became Axe's shop, and then Lloyds pharmacy, now a private house, its lands becoming the site for old peoples' residences.
New history of Sandfords, the house on the Green.
The previous article has been totally rewritten to include information about the house and its history.
A history of "The Stone", from 1587 to the present day.
Although the present appearance of the house dates from about 1815 it is based on a very much earlier house with many important owners.
What is the story behind Dibden Hill?
The eccentric Pierre Joseph Baume set up in 1846 a philanthropic venture of houses for labourers from industrial cities.
From being part of Grove Manor in the 16th C to a "Des Res" today.
The Bartlett family.
An entrepreneurial farming family from the 1500s to the 1800s.
Archibald Grove.
A leading figure in the growth of the Pollards Wood area; but was he related to the 15th Century Groves?
Pollardswood in the 20th Century.
The growth of the area from 1900 with a history of some of the houses.
Cricket in St Giles and the Hearne family.